Farmacie pentru suflet – Osho


Editie: Necartonata

Editura:  Mix

Autor: Osho

Nr de pagini: 255

Format: 200 x 130

An aparitie: 2003

Out of stock

Citind Farmacie pentru suflet, va veti imbogati cu o colectie de noi metode de meditatie si sfaturi, menite a promova starea de bunastare in toate aspectele vietii.

Metodele si tehnicile alese sunt prezentate intr-un limbaj simplu si prietenos, iar comentariile sunt poetice, pline de umor si intelepciune.

Oamenii au incercat dintotdeauna sa descopere fericirea, de aici si preocuparea lor excesiva pentru corpul fizic.

Pentru unii a devenit aproape o obsesie a-si depasi limitele propriului trup, pentru a arata “bine”.

Sunt oameni care au atins deja acest obiectiv.

Ei au descoperit ca fericirea salasluieste in interiorul lor.

Dar nu au cautat-o prin masaje, saune sau exercitii fizice istovitoare, ci prin iubire, meditatie si rugaciune. Au descoperit astfel ca trupul este templul divinitatii dinlauntrul lor.

“Corpul este lampa, iar Dumnezeu este flacara sa. Lampa este celebrata, dar numai datorita luminii. Daca flacara dispare, cine ar mai putea celebra corpul?” afirma inteleptul indian Osho, in cartea Farmacia sufletului.

Weight 277 g


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Shipping Details

  • We accept payments by PayPal and all major credit and debit cards.
  • We can only cancel an order if it hasn’t yet been shipped. Usually, the orders are processed within a matter of hours, so this limits our ability to cancel out order before this time. If the current order is places by mistake, please let us know as soon as possible and we will try and resolve the issue.
  • We are happy to refund only if a product if it is defective, within 14 days of purchase or upon the return of your product, or offer a partial refund. The return postage is going to be paid by the customer.
  • Please note, if you are requesting a refund based on an issue with the condition, we kindly ask to you provide a photo of in order for us to best advise a suitable resolution.
Shipping By Weight Cost
Royal Mail Up to 500 grams • Royal Mail 1st class signed for – £3.79 • Royal Mail 2nd class signed for £3.39 • Royal Mail 1st class not signed for - £2.39 • Royal Mail 2nd class not signed for - £2.30
Royal Mail Upto 2KGs • Royal Mail 1st Class signed for – £6.47 • Royal Mail 2nd Class signed for – £4 • Royal Mail 2nd Class not signed for – £3 • Royal Mail 1st class not signed for – £5.74
Royal Mail More than 2 kg £6.5 Flat Rate
Royal Mail - FREE Delivery for Orders over £40
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